Transforming early education on this planet

The early years of a human being's life are the most formative and form the developmental foundation for the rest of their life. We're committed that every child, regardless of circumstance, get's an extraordinary start.

A great story always starts with a great team

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About SaaS - Saasplex X Webflow Template

Our mission is to help you grow your business

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Our values

We're creating a world for children

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We're committed to transforming education on this planet. To do this, we are bringing together the leading experts in pedagogy, education, and technology to leave this world better off.

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Security and privacy are built into our DNA. In addition, we have numerous protections to ensure that LoveHeart is used safety and ethically, using as Sentinel.

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We are teachers, operators, and academics from the early childhood education and care sector who deeply value how the collective can create greater impact than the few.

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Children do not get to choose their circumstances. We're committed to ensuring that LoveHeart is accessible to all and respects the unique beauty of every child.

Our team

Some of the extraordinary people making the difference

Our offices

Come and visit our offices around the world

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It is time to turn compliance into an advantage.

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educator is reading a book to children loveheart benefits on the background